KMC’s training method by which training is delivered often varies based on:
The needs of the company
The needs of the trainee
The task/s being performed
The method should suit the audience, the content, the business environment, and the learning objective.
Ideally, the method chosen will motivate employees to learn, help employees prepare themselves for learning, enable the trainees to apply and practice what they've been taught, help trainees retain and transfer what they have learned, and integrate performance with other skills and knowledge.
Common group training methods we employ include:
Facilitated Workshops
Role Playing
Case Studies
Common individual training methods include:
Movies/videos/computer-based training
We also make use of:
Structured closing activities
Accelerated learning principles
Accelerated learning principles we abide by include:
A positive learning environment.
Total learner involvement.
Collaboration among learners.
Variety that appeals to all learning styles.
Learning takes place on many levels simultaneously.
Contextual learning.
Learning comes from doing it yourself.